Titlu: FIDIC-ARIC-EFCA Regional Infrastrucure Conference
Locatie: ATHENEE PALACE HILTON BUCHAREST HOTEL 1-3 Episcopiei, sector 1 Bucharest 010292, Romania
Link: Click here
Descriere: The first FIDIC-ARIC-EFCA Regional Infrastructure Conference will look closely at the implementation of FIDIC contracts in a market mainly regulated by public law. As reference it will explore the new EU Procurement Directives, and their practical use in the market, with a focus on investment in infrastructure.

Located centrally in Romania, a major recipient of EU funding, the conference will share experiences learnt, and compare these with other neighbouring EU member states and non-member states interested in best practice procurement, and the effective use of FIDIC contracts.

Programme highlights:

EU funding for Infrastructure
The evolution of FIDIC contracts and Particular Conditions of Contract in the region; Modifying FIDIC Conditions - Pros and Cons;
Licensing of FIDIC Conditions in National Situations - translations, adaptation and harmonization with National Legislation
EU Procurement Rules and their impact on FIDIC contracts; Experience from other EU States on Existing Legislation
Avoiding and Pursuing Claims under FIDIC
Fidic contracts - Civil and Common Law Perspectives
Dispute Boards in Action
Arbitration & Alternative Dispute Resolution
Capacity Building - Accredited Training
Integrity in Procurement and Contracts

Data start: 2015-03-12
Ora start: 08:30
Data sfarsit: 2015-03-13